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The mission of Primrose Postpartum is to provide individualized care to parents. No two families are the same and therefore the care that each family requires or desires, is different. Our goal is to support your family in a way that is unique to you in those early weeks postpartum. We are here to provide non-medical advice that is evidence-based and to assist families in the early days when an extra set of hands is so valuable.

Postpartum Doula Care

We aim to empower parents in those early weeks so that the relationship between baby and parents can flourish. We strive to provide a sense of balance so that families are less stressed and in turn able to develop a strong bond between their baby and other children. Kindness and empathy are at the core of everything we do.

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Postpartum Exercise

Did you know that once you are postpartum you are always considered postpartum?
Your body goes through many changes when you are pregnant; diastasis recti and pelvic floor issues are some of the conditions that some women develop after birth. Jumping back into your old exercise routine after you get the green light to workout may seem like the right decision, but you may find that things are different now.

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Pediatric Sleep

Everyone deserves a good night’s sleep, even after you’ve had a baby. Sleep plays a vital role in our health and well-being, so when your child is having trouble falling asleep and is up multiple times in the night, it can impact everyone in the family. Sleep coaching provides each family with the skills, confidence, and knowledge they need, to get the sleep they deserve. Whether you are co-sleeping, room sharing, or your child is in their own room, we can find a strategy that will work for you.

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Do you need help with your postpartum journey, baby's sleep, or exercise & health?
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