Did you know that once you are postpartum, you are always considered postpartum?
Your body goes through many changes when you are pregnant; diastasis recti and pelvic floor issues are some of the conditions that women develop after birth. Jumping back into your old exercise routine after you get the green light to exercise may seem like the right decision, but you may find that things are different now; your core and pelvic floor may be vulnerable and need different exercises to improve functionality and strength.
The good news is it is possible to regain your strength and become even stronger than you were pre-pregnancy!
We can help you get back to the activities you love by building a strong foundation for movement while progressing with the difficulty of each exercise until you can achieve your goals. Whether it’s jumping rope, running a 10K, or lifting heavy weights, we will work together to help you achieve those fitness goals. Whether you are 6 weeks postpartum or 16 years postpartum, you can always improve the function of your core and pelvic floor.
* Note: Personal Training during pregnancy is also available and can set you up for a smooth transition to the postpartum period. Please reach out for more information.